Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Over All Rating: 3 Stars
Story: 2 Stars
Direction: 3.5 Stars
Photography: 5 Stars
Acting: 1 Stars
Characterization: 1 Stars
Effects: 5 Stars
Dialogues: 1 Stars
Entertainment Factor: 4.5 Stars


Director: James Cameron [movie link]
The effects are pretty decent. This is 3d done right, no scaring the audiences with sudden jabs and scares. This is 3d simply done right and that's it.

I suspect that James got lost in his love for his 3d toys that he simply closed shut Pandora's story box. And same goes for characterization, two of my most beloved treasures of a movie. Both, the story and characterization are pretty weak. Who is Jake as a person. Who is Colonel miles and why cant he find a shirt with sleeves in an air conditioned facility? So many unanswered questions, so much of lost potential. James, you started out well, with the whole Avatar /gaming/ concept, but lost the mojo quite early.

The acting is uninspiring. I don't even think anybody even tried.

Attempt to make Zoe's avatar attractive does work some times, reminds me of Angelina Jolie's flirtatious fish avatar Lola in Shark Tale .

One easy story flaw was that when the Colonel shoots the choppers they are bullet proof but arrows go right thru??!! And whats up with Zoe's aviator flying goggles, they actually have glass/plastic lenses in them!!! Way to go for a civilization which has not even figured how to cook the food they eat!!!

Avatar almost felt like Kaena redone on a handsome budget.

One small question that remained unanswered by me was how was the avatar connected to the human body? Was there a wireless link? And then the next level, how was the avatar powered? Kind of important questions, especially if you think of body/avatar swaps that happen towards the end.

This movie was ok fun for first time viewing. Did actually enjoy the effects and the 3d but I will not watch it again. Sorry James, this might break a lot of movie records, but, for me, it can never sink to Titanic heights!

2012 remains as the undefeated special effects movie champion of 2009 for me.


Now, here's what I would have changed if I was in control.

* Shorter and crisper storyline, this film goes on and on (at least it shouldn't seems that way)
* Get rid of the tails on the Navi, I guess its a matter of personal choice, I am not much if a tail person (at least not on humanoids)
* Get rid of the flying mountains thingy (No crouching tiger, No hidden dragon and No flying mountain)
* Somehow, in our fictional worlds, we always tend to associate technological advancement with evolution of intelligence of a species. The Navi, without a single iPod to their credit, are hence shown as simple folks. I would depict them with greater levels of intelligence in a more Yoda like wiseness who simply chose not to pursue technology.


  1. just a hint: the flying goggles for Zoe are made from something like dragonfly wings.

    this i noticed when i watched the movie for the SECOND time... :)

    i have to say though that i work in the digital art field and was attracted to review the movie out of professional interest in details. and details there are, i can assure you!

  2. PS:

    the arrows go through the heli windows only after the naavi troups use real huge ones. they do NOT go through at the first futile attempt.

    i totally agree with you about the shirt problem of colonel miles. :D

  3. Yus the goggles are not glass, their dragonfly wing stuff like mentioned above.

    Getting rid of flying islands... in a fantasy based DIFFERENT PLANET movie? wat?
    Nothin wrong with 'em imo.
