Friday, November 20, 2009

The Dish

Over All Rating: 5 Stars
Story: 5 Stars
Direction: 4 Stars
Photography: 4 Stars
Acting: 4 Stars
Characterization: 3 Stars
Effects: N/A
Dialogues: 4 Stars
Entertainment Factor: 5 Stars


Director: Rob Sitch [movie link]

This delightfully quirky comedy is based on true (Moon Landing related) events. I was not expecting this movie to be so good when I streamed it from netflix as I was keeping an eye on the kids. A little while later, realizing how interesting it had started to be, I actually had to stop the movie, so that I could see it without interruptions later on.

This movie chronicles, with hint of comedy, the effects of the dish on a small town in Australia in 1969. The Dish being the NASA's backup transmitter for the Apollo 11 moon landing mission.

Sprinkled through the movie were bits and pieces of all kinds of emotional spices like Comedy, Suspense, Drama, Love, history in the making etc. I thought it was just going to be this feel good flick until they get hit with a disaster (at their level), due to human error, they lose power and have a communication black out with Niel Armstrong. Somehow, interestingly, they manage to recover from it to end up in an unexpected storm, which threatens to dislodge the dish, and they are the only ones who can beam the actual moon landing pictures to the rest of the world.

The goof up around the national anthem was hilarious (you will know what I mean when you see it).

I love the story within story approach to, well, story telling. Where the bigger story (moon landing) is actually the back drop to the main story (effects of the dish on this rural community). Some famous examples being Titanic and Saving Private Ryan.

I recommend you save this for a tiring and downer day, it wont be rip roaring funny but will certainly lift your spirits all the way to the moon ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I liked this review. This is brief and sweet. Depends on the movie too.. i guess.
